Sensitive species.: HOW TO DEAL WITH.

Sensitive Species 2021

iNaturalist has updated its security features around obscured data. This makes is much more difficult to access locality data for these observations.
But you also need to do your bit to help keep data secure:

  1. Be aware of the order that you add your data onto iNaturalist:
    • On the upload tool, add sensitive species in a separate batch to common species
    • In the field allocate sensitive species to a recorder and let other users add the ordinary species.

  2. Beware of any notes or comments that expose details of locality, or sequence of observations.
    • Put all the locality information in the Location Notes: they will be obscured there and available to those you trust

  3. Keep habitat and habit shots tight so that photos don’t reveal the locality.
    • Use more common species for your spectacular scenery shots.

  4. Be careful of tabs, and special fields that you add to your photo exif data.
    • iNat obscures locality and time information in the exif, but cannot deal with special fields and tabs.
    These additional precautions will help keep Sensitive Species safe.
    Posted by tonyrebelo, August 04, 2021 09:58 PM

Q? Can I have a list of Sensitive Species so I can take special precautions? (such as uploading separate lists)
!A The list of Sensitive Species is sensitive too. Use your common sense. Collectors want things that are
very rare,
old - or take a long time to grow,
are not easy to mass produce by seeds or cuttings,
that are easy to smuggle or transport, and
can be stored for some time.

Bulbs and succulents are top contenders.
If a species is not on the Sensitive Species list (i.e. iNaturalist does not automatically obscure it) and you feel strongly that it should be, please contact your CREW officer. Likewise, if you feel a species that is obscured, should not be, please tell us.
Note that the iNaturalist obscuration is very effective. Dont worry about the odd observation slipping through your guard: iNaturalist will catch these.
Posted by tonyrebelo about 17 hours ago

由使用者 evieb evieb2021年08月05日 16:26 所貼文




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