View from above

One of my favorite authors is Marcus Aurelius. He writes, "Take a view from above- look at the thousands of flocks and herds, the thousands of human ceremonies, every sort of voyage in storm or calm, the range of creation, combination, and extinction. Consider too the lives once lived by others long before you, the lives that will be lived after you, the lives lived now among foreign tribes; and how many have never even heard your name, how many will very soon forget it..." Meditations Book 9:30.

Too often the daily requirements and urgency of our tasks pull us down. It is good to "take a view from above" and realize that life goes on. The things that trouble us now will come and go. The birds will continue to migrate, the flowers will bloom and go to seed, and all living things come and go as time goes on. When I have looked down from really high places, everything seemed to slow down. Slowing down...and gaining perspective of the whole, that is a task worth pursuing.

由使用者 friendofnature2 friendofnature22020年09月02日 17:18 所貼文




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