Please participate in a gesture of support for our fellow iNatters in Ukraine

Some Ukrainian iNatters have organized a worldwide bioblitz in honor of Ukraine's Independence Day, on August 24th. Anyone can join and participate, no matter where they are. All you have to do is join the project, and then make observations on the 24th and they will automatically be included:

It may seem like a small thing, but it really will mean a lot to some of our fellow naturalists who are currently trapped in a horrific war zone.

I will certainly be making observations, and would love it if you can as well.

由使用者 graysquirrel graysquirrel2022年08月21日 21:35 所貼文


Absolutely! I’ll try my best.

發佈由 metsa 超過 1 年 前

My pleasure! Good day for it, I am going up to Winnimucca Lake and Round Top Mtn. If our posting of species will give the Ukranian people even a small bit of respite to this cruel time in their lives, I am all for it.

發佈由 phantom-sweattb 超過 1 年 前


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