May 3, 2012 Entomology Lab

Our class was introduced to a whole new topic this week—bugs. The lecture by the guest professor was extremely informational, even a person who's not very into insects like me was fascinated by the natural history of bugs.

The lecture began with an overview on arthropods, which includes insects, primitive insects, spiders, mites, scorpions, milipedes, and centepedes. They are important to both natural world as well as human world because they play a key role in waste recycling, soil formation, vegetation control and plant reproduction. Furthermore, they also have medicinal benefits.

There are 10 million species of insects in the world, which is the most diverse group of all organisms. Beetles, moths, and butterflies are showy and nocturnal. Bees are actually specialized pollen-feeding wasps; the small ones are day-flying, but mostly flying alone. Like butterflies, the prefer nice weather, which is why they are hard to spot on a rainy day.

There are 6 specie of bumble bees in the Puget Sound, but sadly at least one species has gone extinct last year, mostly suffered from pesticides.

(See written journal 8 for detail)

[Species List]
Scarabeidae beetle

由使用者 hsin119 hsin1192012年06月05日 13:18 所貼文




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