Greenhouse visit @UW farm 4/5/2012

Today we went through three different station sections of the UW Greenhouse with three different leaders, Susan, Josh and Mr Ewing (I believe that was his name). With Susan we went into the first room on the right of the green house, which was dry and inhabited by many cacti and strange looking plants. The Welwitschia stood out the most in this section it thrives in dry areas but has the ability to soak up tons of water when it does rain so that it thrives for a long time. Susan mentioned that the welwitschia has adapted to live where it is inhabited, but doesn't mean that that are is the most suitable for that plant.The second section involved many leafy green plants in a humid area of the greenhouse led by Mr Ewing. This section included the Lodoisia pam tree and its double coconut (had a huge seed), and the Monstera deliciosa a plant from Mexico. An interesting thing about this plant is that it grows vines where it is dark and searches for trees so that it can become "phototrophic".
Josh showed us the Synsepalum dulcificum or “miracle berry” that changes your sensory perceptions to make it so that sour lemons taste sweet. This blew my mind, and it really work really fast. Josh also presented the ghost chili pepper. We learned that the heat of a chili doesn’t affect our taste buds, it affects the pain receptors in our brain.

Species List:
Lodoisia maldvia
Monster delisiosa
Western hyasin
Venus fly trap
Dracula orchid
Soma sensory berry

由使用者 jinam22 jinam222012年05月01日 19:51 所貼文




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