Sketching Day 4/10/2012 and 4/12/2012

This day we spent time learning about field sketching from Maria Martin. Maria is an expedition artist, someone who follows a group of people on some sort of expedition to sketch what they see. Maria taught us the fundamental techniques she uses while sketching which include gestures, contouring, subjective/objective sketches, and value.
Maria actually had Josh pose in front of the class as we did rough sketches of his outframe with her fundamental techniques in mind. She encouraged us to squint and use measurement tools to focus on details and also to have the right proportions. Then on 4/12 (thurs) we went out to UBNA to try out some of her techniques on our own, as we each found our own spots and peacefully drew our surroundings. Then we form large groups later on that cloudy day to do speed sketching where we'd pass around our journals and have fellow classmates and teachers do a quick sketch of something they see out at UBNA.

由使用者 jinam22 jinam222012年06月05日 15:19 所貼文




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