Natural History Story

The Wild Turkey is native to North America. It is also the same species as the domestic turkey, which originated from a southern Mexican subspecies. Although the the turkey is native to North America, research speculates that it got its name due to domesticated turkeys that were imported to Britain in ships coming from the Eastern Mediterranean region. The British had associated the Wild Turkey with the country Turkey, so the name stuck. There are strong physical and behavioral differences between male and female turkeys. The male is quite larger and has feathers that are shades of red, purple, green, copper, bronze, and gold. The feathers can change colors with the turkey's mood, with a white head meaning it is most excited. Males are polygamous and mate with as many female hens as they can. They do this by "strutting", where they puff out their feathers, spread out their tails and drag their wings. Females have duller feathers in shades of brown and gray. Despite their heavier weight compared to other birds, turkeys can still fly, but do so closer to the ground and only for up to a quarter mile. The habitats they prefer are hardwood and mixed conifer-hardwood forests that have access to pastures, fields, orchards and seasonal marshes. Turkeys are able to adapt to any dense native plant habitat as long as coverage and openings are widely available. Wild turkeys are omnivores and feed on acorns, nuts, trees, berries, roots, insects, and occasionally amphibians and small reptiles such as lizards and snakes. They are not afraid to forage for food where ever it is available and have have been observed feeding in cow pastures and back yard bird feeders. Their ability to forage for different types of food enables populations to reach large numbers in small areas.

An interesting note is the large role Wild Turkeys play in Native American cultures across North America. It has been a central part of their diet and a favorite meal, especially in Eastern tribes. They facilitated its habitat by burning down portions of forests to create artificial meadows which would attract mating birds so that they would be easier and more abundant to hunt. Additionally, the feathers of turkeys were often used in rituals and in the headgear of many tribes.

由使用者 kat14 kat142014年03月20日 20:54 所貼文




火雞 (Meleagris gallopavo)




3月 12, 2014 10:33 PDT




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