Tue 5/1 Hitchcock Hall Rm. 220 -- Waterfowl Group Meeting

Today we met at the Biology Study Area in Hitchcock Hall to start working on our waterfowl tour and website. We decided that the Union Bay Natural Area would be the best location for our tour, as this is a great bird watching spot and there are several bodies of water.

Although the term "waterfowl" generally denotes ducks, geese, and swans, for the purpose of our Blogger website and iNaturalist group, we have decided to expand the definition to include all water birds found on campus (to narrow it down a bit for the bird group). This expanded definition also includes herons, saltwater shorebirds or waders, and gulls. However, for our tour, we will focus on geese, swans, and ducks.

For my "station" on the tour, I will be talking about some lesser known ducks. Specifically, my talk will cover mergansers and teals. The most common of these at UBNA being the Hooded Merganser and the Cinnamon Teal.

Here is the link to our Blogger site if you want to check it out! We also have a linked iNaturalist account (which sadly does not have very many species, as my iPhone camera is not very efficient in capturing anything that moves/is far away).


You can read my species accounts for the following species on the website:
Western Gull (Laris Occidentalis)
Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus)
Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera)

由使用者 kates17 kates172012年06月05日 04:30 所貼文




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