Journal Entry 10

4/24- U-District and Ravenna Walk
Weather: cool, gray, light sprinkling on and off but nothing significant. Weather low-mid 50s, in stark comparison of the weather over the past several days which was in the 70s and sunny.

Walking with fellow classmate Kara and my dog, we north along 17th Ave , down to University Way on 55th, then down to Ravenna Park, through the park, and back the way we came. Along the way we spotted numerous plants in various yards, as well as a mushroom which I believe we identified as amanita pantherina. Many plants are used in the medians and along the sidewalks of 17th Avenue, and many of these are native to the area, so they do not seem horticulturally grown. Some primary examples of these are the big leaf maples that adorn medians, as well as rhododendrons that are often found in the yards of residents. However, many yards in the area are unkempt and have allowed numerous flowers like dandelions, daisies, and bluebells to pop up all around their lawns.
At Ravenna Park, we immediately were surprised by the pacific bleeding hearts just at the edge of the parking lot. These are some of the most unique plants I have ever seen, and the flowers are very pretty and distinctly resemble a heart. Further along in the park we saw many plants, particularly Oregon grapes both tall and dull, vine maples, bracken ferns, Indian plum and others. We also saw on two occasions a very large, fuzzy yellow bumblebee that managed to evade my camera.

由使用者 keenan44 keenan442012年05月01日 18:47 所貼文




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