Journal Entry 16

Greenlake 5/16
Weather- sunny but not particularly warm. Late afternoon walk with classmate Kara
Today, Kara and I decided to take a walk down to Greenlake to see if we could observe some more natural history of the Seattle area in action. We certainly found some examples, but I was rather disappointed with the amount of natural things to be found on the way to and at Greenlake. I had only been to the park just once before and my memory served me wrong. I expected an environment more like that of Ravenna or Carkeek park, but Greenlake is actually very urban and un-natural in many ways. However, along some of the streets and at the park we did manage to see a fair number of trees and shrubs that were unique. Additionally, the park was home to a couple common bird species, including crows, chickadees, seagulls, mallards, and Canadian geese. One tree we saw was very difficult to identify. It appeared to be some sort of pine, but its cones were so miniscule that it seemed like it was very likely not a native species to the Puget Sound area. It was not even listed in the Pojar plant guide, and so we were forced to give it up as a lost cause for identification.

由使用者 keenan44 keenan442012年06月05日 11:13 所貼文




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