Recurved, Retrorse, Reflexed/Refracted

I got out my terminology book (finally) which has images of all three terms. If I get time to find better images, or scan the book images which are good, I'll update them. At least this way I can find them again!

Recurved - curved backward like a bow.
Ex: The petals of this Lilium sp

Retrorse - directed or downward or backward
Ex: The hairs on the stem of this grass

Reflexed or Refracted - Bent backward or downward
Ex: The petals of this flower

由使用者 kimberlietx kimberlietx2020年01月31日 00:23 所貼文



(I could literally watch Nathan do this all day.)

發佈由 kimberlietx 超過 4 年 前

@kimberlietx, I do the Nathan thing a lot when it comes to Tarleton @catenatus :)

發佈由 pfau_tarleton 超過 4 年 前

How about retrousse' (as in a turned-up nose)?

發佈由 mokennon 超過 4 年 前


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