Chickweed ID

"C. fontanum has hairy leaves, that are oblong, elongate, with only the central vein line sunken. S. media has hairless ovate, to heart-shaped blades, with sharply, but only slightly, sunken pinnate vein lines, usually showing the vein pattern. The other members of the S. media complex aren't in in Humbolt Co., and S. apetela, that might come close, has no petals.

S. media is a good weed to eat!"


由使用者 leshell leshell2022年05月17日 17:29 所貼文


Always happy to see my species ID notes, and their stories, spread further!

發佈由 stewartwechsler 約 2 年 前

Thanks Stewart, I realized there had to be a better method of remembering your tips than digging through my past observations.

發佈由 leshell 約 2 年 前

Good to see you found another method to find them!

發佈由 stewartwechsler 約 2 年 前


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