Getting caught up with sightings

Hi all:

I'm finally having some time to get caught up on all of the wonderful field trip and moth photos that I have accumulated over the past ten months - yeah it's been a while. So, I am batches of photos by the day. Some with have minimal identifications, others more detailed.

This year school and a new grandson have kept us busy. And somehow I have fallen behind. When simple things go up with minimal id, it's just a lack of time for identification (my photos and journal entries are separate). Please be tolerant of my massive photo dump.

On another note I have been working on trying to get a more complete moth list for the cabin (at Whitefish Point) with some repeat species across the season. This allows me to have a greater understanding of flight-season for the diverse moth-fauna.

Thanks for listening, and always feel free to comment on anything.


由使用者 makielb makielb2017年08月10日 14:33 所貼文




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