Why not visit Arizona?

Arizona: we've got good bugs here™*

(and we've got other stuff too , if you're like, not into bugs for some reason)

Seriously though, come visit. Monsoon season's just begun which will result in a flurry of interesting wildlife very soon (and there's already a ton of good stuff out here).

Yep, that's the entire post.

*not actually a trademark of anything

由使用者 psyllidhipster psyllidhipster2018年07月12日 01:13 所貼文


I like your board of tourism slogan

發佈由 kimssight 約 6 年 前

I thought it was nice and to the point, might not exactly appeal to the general public though..

發佈由 psyllidhipster 約 6 年 前

I really wanted to make it out to Arizona this summer, to finally focus on non-birds, but unfortunately life had other plans...

發佈由 ryanandrews 約 6 年 前

One of these days. I have seen videos of people mothlighting in AZ and it looks amazing.

發佈由 vermfly 約 6 年 前

Yes please.

I want to go back. Bad. :)

發佈由 sambiology 約 6 年 前

Cute mantis!

發佈由 feistyone 超過 3 年 前


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