Kadizora Camp, Okavanga Delta, Botswana - June 2018

Kadizora Camp is located in the northern part of the Okavanga Delta, between the Vumbura River and Selinda Spillway. To get there we took a small charter flight with Mack Air from Maun, Botswana, for about 50 minutes to a small dirt runway about a ten minute drive from Kadizora Camp. We had a short safari our first late afternoon there, and watched two young leopards feed on a red lechwe that had been killed by their mother. We saw two Verreaux's eagle owls on the way back to camp. The next morning we went on another safari drive. We saw numerous elephants, including one that threatened to charge us, giraffes and zebra. We caught just a glimpse of the young leopards and their mother. She had moved the red lechwe carcass. We ate lunch near a small pool full of hippos and watched gray-footed chacma baboons in the trees. We visited the den of a Cape wild dog pack. About 9 members of the pack rested in the grass following their morning hunt. The mother of the pack was alone, some distance away, near the entrance to her underground den, where she had young pups that had not emerged yet. On our way back to camp we encountered a mother cheetah and her two nearly adult cubs laying in the grass. Later in the afternoon we went out into a sea of reeds in small wooden boats, called makoros, with the equivalent of a gondolier standing with a long pole and guiding us. We encountered the small longnose reed frog and Angolan reed frog. The next morning we took a two hour tour on a nearby waterway in a small motorboat. We encountered lots of Nile crocodiles, huge groups of hippos, elephants, and a wonderful and plentiful assortment of birds: African darters, white-faced ducks, sacred ibis, hamerkop, African fish eagle, African great egret, little egret, gray heron, African open-billed stork, spur-winged goose, Egyptian goose, glossy ibis, African jacana, blacksmith plover, yellow-billed stork, long-tailed cormorant and pied kingfisher. Later that morning we were picked up by Mack Air for a chartered flight to Kasane, Botswana.

In our short 3 day stay (one full day, and two half-days) we photographed 17 species of bird, 13 species of mammal, 1 species of reptile and 2 species of amphibian.

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