User's uneccesarily identifying my mushrooms

I get really annoyed when I post a Mushroom picture for Identification and then someone Identifies it as "Fungi" or "Mushroom". Like, I DONT NEED THAT.
ITS OBVIOUSLY A MUSHROOM/FUNGI! SO all my Pics are indentied with broad general labels like "Fungi" or "Mushrooms".
SO irritiating!

由使用者 stinging1 stinging12023年11月29日 17:17 所貼文


I can understand your frustration. It can be annoying when someone identifies something in such a broad manner, especially when you were expecting a more specific identification. Have you tried reaching out to them and asking for a more detailed identification? Perhaps they can provide you with more information about the type of mushroom or fungi you posted.

發佈由 gljcrsmith 9 個月 前

Users will add broad IDs to observations that don't have any IDs. If you didn't mark it as a fungi when you first submitted it, it probably won't be seen by fungi identifiers, so these users are helping your observations be seen, and get identified further

發佈由 turtless 9 個月 前

That's also true, @turtless.

發佈由 gljcrsmith 9 個月 前


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