Day 1: Pikkukoski area documentation spree

Wanted to record the dazed dragonfly I fished out of water into some species database, so installed's Mobiilivihko first. Then I realized iNaturalist works for LUOMUS as well, and I had that already installed, so tried to dig out my old account and failed, created a new account and uploaded it.

Got so excited about soon having my first 'research grade' observation (thanks to the identifiers!) that I went off on a field trip to document almost everything recognizeable I found on Pikkukoski beach on the Vantaa river, and some stuff on the nearby area as well. And a few things that I was wondering about through PlantNet before that.

Ironically, after spending over 10 minutes on Wikipedia trying to identify the dragonfly and thinking I had it figured out, I got a different opinion quite quickly and think that it's likely the right one even though the representative picture looks to me on a first glance completely different - the written description on Wikipedia matches that one better, though. (In case you can't tell, I don't usually identify dragonflies. I thought we had one.)

Now it's some 8 hours later from taking off to document plants and I think I got all the entries in. 87 observations is not bad for a first day, even though I think I won't be this effective finding new things (personal challenge) in the future. I also managed to find limitations to the app when it stopped updating my saved observations to the app and web UIs, which got me quite confused for a while (the new ones started showing up with some delay, and I didn't lose any data).

(I got blocked from posting this on the first day of account creatoin, so I can add that now it seems my phone app thinks I've made 80 observations and browser on desktop thinks I've made 95, and I think I've made at least 3 that are not showing up on either.)

Missions are great! They don't completely update based on what I have already found, it seems, but it is a lot of fun trying to find the 'recommendations'. I found one or two species I have not recognized before just trying to catch an Anthriscus sylvestris (koiranputki)... good thing I don't use it for salad, the other ones looked poisonous. ;)

由使用者 sudenkorentoko sudenkorentoko2023年07月18日 20:20 所貼文




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