Undescribed species and taxa

Note as per Tony Rebelo:

ID as genus Asparagus.
Add the project "Undescribed Species and Taxa" (you have to join it first)
In the field "New species reference and name:" add the text 'Asparagus decipiens MS'

To find all instances use this url, or alternatively click on the text "New species reference and name:" and select an appropriate option:
(select the ID tool - after it is published and in the iNat dictionary - to update, but dont delete the observation field: it has historic value).

** Keep it simple. the field is sensitive to case, space and lace. I dont recommend using 'Asparagus decipiens (Baker) S.M.Burrows & J.E. Burrows, in prep.' - far too many options for mistyping variants.

由使用者 suvarna suvarna2023年06月23日 07:43 所貼文




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