Proforma - Cribsheet

For posting comments (rationalized and resequenced March 2023)

由使用者 tonyrebelo tonyrebelo2019年07月22日 10:30 所貼文



Please join the project Habitats (s Afr) - click here: - the join button is in the top right hand corner.
Once you have joined, can you please add the project to all your future observations in southern Africa: it gives us extremely useful data on species' habitat preferences. And it will help you to understand the ecology of the species and ecosystems you are in. If you want to find out more about our southern African ecology, there are details of the major ecosystems in the project journal.

發佈由 tonyrebelo 約 5 年 前


Please add the project Habitats (s Afr) to your app and join the project..

Can you please add the project to all your future observations - it is really quick with the app (projects are on the bottom of the screen): - it gives us extremely useful data on species' habitat preferences. And it will help you to understand the ecology of the species and ecosystems you are in.
If you want to find out more about our southern African ecosystems, there are details of the major systems in the project journal.

發佈由 tonyrebelo 約 5 年 前


Please join the NEMBA Projects. If you join them then the projects will automatically show alongside under "Projects" the moment you have a positive ID.
To join, click here.
(the join option is in the upper right hand corner)
There are a dozen projects showing aliens of different NEMBA status: if you want the actual NEMBA status to display, please join all these projects. It will take about 5 minutes but is a worthwhile investment for future observations. Click on each project in the list (use your mouse wheel to open them in new tabs) and join them.
Note that the observation joins the relevant project automatically whether you join or not. This is about it displaying alongside under Projects on your observations.

You might also want to join this Red List umbrella project and its children projects as well. These will alert you to Red List species, just like the one above alerts you to alien species.
For the Red List Umbrella project, please also trust the administrators (the CREW and Red List team) with your hidden coordinates, so that they can easily review Red List status with immediate and accurate data. You will be notified and given a chance to reconsider if any of the admin or filters on the project are changed.

It is a very worthwhile investment of five minutes.

發佈由 tonyrebelo 約 5 年 前


Please refine your location. Check the point (zoom in deep) and reduce the Location Accuracy [= error or precision] as to as small a value or circle as is valid.
The app should be accurate to 5m, but this is 14km radius.
When first switching on the app, please make sure the GPS is on, and give the app about a minute to find out where you are. Once found, it should remain accurate to metres for the rest of the period until you close the app.
If you take the pictures with the camera and then add them to the app, you will need to manage the Location Accuracy manually.

發佈由 tonyrebelo 約 5 年 前


Please fix your locality resolution (or locality accuracy or locality error). Too large an accuracy, or missing accuracy, means that the data are not incorporated into checklists for the smaller nature reserves and places, and cannot be used for conservation planning and red listing purposes.

Ideally we like it to be 2-5m accuracy, but often one is uncertain, or does not know quite where one was, in which case it might be 100s of metres. but please if you genuinely dont know exactly where you were dont make them too precise, even if it is to the nearest km or two.
You need to enter this in when you add your observations. It shows up as a circle showing the area in which you were where you are uncertain as to exactly where the point should be. You can enter the value directly in metres for the radius of the circle.
Please see how to enter these when uploading you data in this tutorial:

Here is your list of observations without Locality accuracy recorded:

To fix it, please click Edit (up top) and type in the value in the "Acc (m)" box, and/or adjust the circle around your locality in the map. While at it please give a decent locality name (the Googlemap names are atrociously vague) - but be careful not to press "search" after entering the name as that will corrupt your coordinates.
and save ...

If you have lots, you will need to batch edit it: please see instructions here: (Thanks Peter).

((please note: the app should record your locality accuracy automatically, if you take the photographs with the app. It wont if you add the photographs afterwards, in which case it needs to be manually inserted))

發佈由 tonyrebelo 約 5 年 前


Have you set your default settings to optimize the view for southern Africa?
Please check:
Just check that you are happy with your profile. It can be a very short phrase stating your interests, or a complete, unabridged CV - it is entirely up to you. But it is helpful to other users who want to check your specialities and preferences.
Also please check these:
Search place : Southern Africa (or more locally if you prefer) [this is the region that iNat will default to most of the time]
Names > Place (Prioritize common names used in this place): Southern Africa [we have our local English names here: unfortunately, they are not yet loaded for any particular country, so please use the region if you want our names] - (if you want Afrikaans - or any othe language -vernacular names, then change the Language to Afrikaans). Note if you dont choose southern Africa you will default to the global names, which are strongly Americo-centric, and you probably wont recognize many of them.
At this stage we are not yet a community, but soon you should join iNaturalist-s-Afr under iNaturalist Network Affiliation. That will allow southern African countries to access your data for conservation planning, red list assessment and research projects, via their national research institutes.
Have fun!
This will help you to get maximum benefit from your use of the site.

發佈由 tonyrebelo 大約 5 年 前


Please add an interaction.

Instructions for web page (not easy on the app)

• Step 0 (a once off: you only do this once).
Join this project:
(see top right hand corner - click join)
agree and save

You are now ready to add the interaction.

The next step depends on if their is an observation for both partners.

• Step 1a (no observation for partner exists).
Mouse-wheel-click duplicate (on top next to the EditV - press V and duplicate)
Go to the new tab with the observation.
save it
Name it if you can.
copy the url (in your web browser url box).

• Step 1b (observation for the partner already exists).
In a new tab, find the partner observation.
copy the url (in your web browser url box).

• Step 2
Come back here:
In the Projects box, type interac ... (until the project shows) and click to select.
This is the active organism, so select the appropriate interaction:
e.g. Visiting a flower of, or Parasitizing ...
& paste the URL into the box
add (just the one) the interaction
& add the project (at the bottom of the box).
copy the url of this observation

• Step 3
go back to the other observation.
This is the "passive" organism, so we dont worry about the type of interaction
In the Projects box, type interac ... (until the project shows) and click to select.
paste the URL into the Passive partner (at the bottom)
add (just the one) the interaction
& add the project (at the bottom of the box).

we are done.
Both observations now show the interaction and link to each other, at a simple click.
And you dont need to know the ID of either ... iNat will take care of that.

發佈由 tonyrebelo 超過 4 年 前


發佈由 tonyrebelo 超過 4 年 前


Sorry! iNaturalist takes only one species per observation. Please split these species into different observations. You are allowed multiple pictures per observation, if they are of the same organism at the same place and the same time.

So please discombobulate this observation. And then when you are done delete it (or you can keep it for the first species, if you edit and remove (untick) the other observations.
If you are using the web version, you can "duplicate" the observation (click the v on EditV top right), and untick the pictures you dont want and then save. Dont untick any from this observation until you are done, otherwise any pictures will be deleted if they are not connected to an observation.
Meantime, this observation has been marked in the "Data Quality Assessment" below as 'Evidence related to a single subject' = FALSE

發佈由 tonyrebelo 超過 4 年 前


This observation is a duplicate of another observation at xxx.

Please delete this observation. It is either identical or has fewer pictures than the other. (If there are pictures here not on the original, please transfer them before deleting this)
If the locality is different, please check which is more correct.
In order to respect people who have contributed to this observation, please copy paste any identifications and comments on this observation and paste it into a comment on the original. You can edit it to make it more aesthetic.
Also check if any Observation Fields were added to the observation and copy-paste them too. (and save).

Meanwhile the duplicate has been temporarily identified as "State of matter Life" pending deletion. If you decide to keep this observation instead we will withdraw the ID.
Thanks in anticipation.

發佈由 tonyrebelo 大約 4 年 前


This is a threatened species that requires more information.
Can you please join the project: (< click here)

After you have joined can you please add the project here, and fill in as many of the questions as you can. It will help with conservation planning and Red List assessment.

Thanks for an especially interesting observation.

發佈由 tonyrebelo 大約 4 年 前

How to fix your missing coordinates.

We cannot filter the data by normal means, as the filter element acc=false does not work in the download and batch edit pages.

So we use the back end of iNaturalist, normally reserved for geeks, programmers and those who know computers and shortcuts.

Step 1: Get your data:
Copy this into the url bar, and change user_name to your user name:
and click Enter.

Note: you have to do them in batches of 200 - so if you have lots, you will do this several times. Do not try and do more than 200: that is the maximum that you can batch edit.
You will get a string of numbers like this: {"total_results":688,"page":1,"per_page":200,"results":[{"id":72923314},{"id":71794012},{"id":71651116},{"id":70094276},{"id":70094236},{"id":70049093},{"id":69882923},{"id":69882922}

Step 2: Edit your data from this output, to a list of observations
highlight and copy them into your word (text) browser
remove the beginning (from "{"total" to "results":["
do a replace (Ctrl-H) and change all "{"id":" to nothing
do a replace (Ctrl-H) and change all "]" to nothing

You will now have a list that looks like this.
72923314,71794012,71651116,70094276,70094236, ... ,69882922
check that there is no "("or ")" and no spaces ii the list

Copy and paste this text in front of the list

It should now look like this:
https: //,71794012,71651116,70094276,70094236, ... ,69882922

Highlight all of it and copy it

Step 3: You are now ready to batch edit.
In your web browser, paste the text into the url bar.
and click Enter.

It should show the batch edit menu and a list of your observations.

Wait for the screen to reset (the yellow batch edit box will close).

click "Batch Operations" and wait for the screen to reset.
In the third column of the batch form, Look for "Acc (m)" click below it to open a hidden (and rather small ) box and type in your accuracy in metres (just one number, not f or feet, or km, and leave out the m). Click on a choice to select or click Enter to save the value
click the Blue "!Apply!" box below this

go to the bottom on the page and click SAVE ALL

Step 4. Done. Do you have more?
Repeat for the next batch of 200.
Until there are none.

((Note iNat saves time by remembering your requests. Sometimes it gives you the same list as last time, even though you changed them. If so, just change the 200 to 199 in the url line to force it to get a new result for you - e.g. - Just remember to check: dont go and edit your old list. A quick way to check is on the top of the result.

This tells us that there are 688 results: it should drop by 200 (or 199) each time you do a batch edit. ))

發佈由 tonyrebelo 超過 3 年 前

Wow Tony, This a lot to absorb but thank you very much. I used your one link to fix a whole bunch. I am about to leave for the trip to the Drakensberg so will have to absorb this when I get back. I appreciate all your input.
Thank you.

發佈由 outrampsjenny 超過 3 年 前


發佈由 tonyrebelo 超過 3 年 前


This observation has more than one species on different photographs. An observation can only have one species (but may have many photographs containing other species, provided that the focal species is in each).
Please split this.

The easiest way is to duplicate it. (you will need to use the web version, not the app.)
Instructions to duplicate.

Make sure that all the observations fields and outstanding projects and tabs are filled in, and you are happy with the observation.
Note that observations fields will be copied over, but not projects and descriptions (many wont apply anyway).
Click on the V on EditV top right hand side and click on Duplicate (once for each additional species).
((If you use the mouse-wheel-click, then each one will open in a new tab and you wont have to go backwards and forwards: just click on the tabs)).
3. Edit and Save the duplicate:
On the duplicate, unclick the photographs that dont have the species you want - this disconnects them from the observation (they are not deleted).
Add the species name to the ID box (if you know the species),
Add any description or tabs.
Make sure that the mapped location is the same as the original: it will usually be, but if not, fix it now!
You can now add any projects.
Further edits
if you want to change the order of the pictures, then you need to do it now:

click Edit
on the far right below the pictures is a teenee hidden line "re-order photos" - click it.
in the boxes type in numbers. If you leave them blank then they will be added in current order after any numbers you use. If you use a number twice, they will go in in current order before the next number.
SAVE (do not do any other edits to the pictures, otherwise the picture order will not save.)
5. Check - does your new observation (duplicate) have all the pictures.
Remove excess pictures from original.
Go back to the original
Click Edit (not on the V)
untick the boxes for the pictures that should not be there, (note that they are not deleted, but if you accidentally delete one you did not mean to delete, then you cannot get it back: you will have to reload the photo from your home device).

You are done.
Short version.

Duplicate and untick unwanted photos without the new species and Save
On original untick unwanted photos without the original species and Save.

發佈由 tonyrebelo 超過 3 年 前

Batch Adding habitats (version II).

If there are many different habitats it is complicated, but if they are in one (e.g.“Gardens") then it is trivial.
So continue:

Once off: check: are you joined to Habitats-s-afr:
• Click here
o If it says join (top right hand corner) - then join (read conditions and accept: allow curators access to coordinates); otherwise (it will say “unjoin”) you are set …

• Step 1. Add field
Get ready to batch edit: (substitute your name)

Click batch edit
Make sure that 200 observations are displaying (the very bottom of the screen – “per page”, otherwise you will have to repeat this many times)
Click select ALL (*** or if there are different Habitat types, then please click all those that you want to add ***)
Click “Batch operations”
o Click “more fields”
 On add a field type “habitat (s afr)” (nothing else: must be this)
 In the dropdown box – select the habitat (e.g. Gardens, or Urban Parkland, etc., if there is no dropdown your erred go back one step)
 On the right click “Apply fields”
 At the very bottom of the page click save.
• (repeat this for each habitat type)

• Step 2. Add project (substitute your name)

Click batch edit
Make sure that 200 observations are displaying (the very bottom of the screen – “per page”, otherwise you will have to repeat this many times)
Click select ALL
o Click Add to project
o On the list click Add opposite Habitats (s Afr).
 Check any error messages.

Repeat for next batch (if more than 200).

發佈由 tonyrebelo 大約 2 年 前


Your Location Accuracy (or error about the location) is missing: please fix it.
It is crucial for any scientific research or management use of the data.

Pictures missing: please sync to upload your photos.
Or if this is an error, then please delete it.

Please zoom in as close as you can (let the insect fill the entire frame)

發佈由 tonyrebelo 6 個月 前


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