End of September

Last night, as I navigated weird shadowy dream landscapes, I kept seeing small birds and mammals on the ground right ahead of me. I would reach for a camera, but by the time my clumsy dream fingers brought it up for a shot they'd be gone. This happened three or four times.

Today I was out on Esquimalt's Songhees Walkway with my camera, testing out a new GPS unit that clips into the hot shoe to record location data. As I stepped off the path and onto a small rocky outcrop, something a few metres out—a seal maybe or an otter—submerged, scattering brilliant afternoon sunlight. I decided to sit and wait, camera ready, but whatever it was never resurfaced, at least not where I could see.

When I gave up and stood, I noticed a strange pile of moon snail shells behind me on the shore. I walked over and snapped a shot. The dead nowhere near as elusive as the living.


由使用者 warrenlayberry warrenlayberry2022年10月01日 04:40 所貼文




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