Brrrrrr Cold Shortened Lake Creek Monitoring February 10. 2018

Yes, it was cold again. Just a bit unlucky this year. Typical Texas, with temps in the 60's one day and down in the 30's the next. A cold front came in early and found us out on the dam with a bit of wind to add to the challenge. We completed two listening periods and called it a night.
Five of us braved the chill. Thank you loyal and stalward naturalists Bill, Kathy, Mikael and Carolyn for coming out with me this month. Maybe it was just the open invitation to finish up a B B Rovers? You decide.
Hoping the other sites in the next two weeks have better conditions for monitoring. Amphibian activity is not unusual in central Texas in February on warmer days.

Environmental Conditions (at 18:15):
Air Temp: 7.7C
Water Temp: 13.3C
Sky: 2 (cloudy)
Water Level: Much Above Average
Relative Humidity: 50%

General Observations:
We saw a few birds early. I think most everything was looking for shelter before it got realy cold overnight.

Amphibian Watch Report:
No amphibians or herps were detected during the monitoring period.

由使用者 weathergaltx weathergaltx2018年02月19日 19:44 所貼文


Thanks Sue! Hopefully there will be signs of amphibian life next month.

發佈由 mikaelb 超過 6 年 前


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