Lake Creek October Amphibian Watch Saturday, Oct 8, 2016

Again, Lake Creek Pond Watch champion Sue was away, this time touring the Balkans.
Kathy McCormack graciously agreed yet again to make the monthly observations. Thanks Kathy!!!!

They rallied a big turnout for Lake Creek - nine monitors!
Thank you to Kathy, Carolyn, Bill, Randy & Sandra, Mary Kay & Chuck, Ruthann, and Mikael for monitoring the site in October. There were two new participants: Randy & Sandra Spurlock ( are currently in the GWMN training class. They've been out to Berry Springs twice - they are great at catching frogs !!

Environmental Conditions (at 19:05):
Air Temp: 24.4C
Water Temp: 26.7C
Sky: 0 (clear)
Water Level: Average
Relative Humidity: 52%

General Observations:
In addition to a rewarding number of herps, the group also saw two scorpions at the stone wall (one was a momma with babies on her back), and some folks saw a Great Horned Owl fly over the creek before sunset.

Amphibian Watch Report:
There were four amphibian species, plus a Blotched Water Snake (last link below). Kathy was going with Cliff Chirping Frog at the time of observation (vs. Rio Grande Chirping Frog) until we all hear back from the curators.
Blanchard's Cricket Frog [C0 / photo]:
Gulf Coast Toad [C0 / photo]:
Cliff Chirping Frog: [C1 + photo]:
Rio Grande Leopard Frog [C1 + sound]:
Blotched Water Snake [photo]:

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