Competition #2

The last competition was Friendly competition #1 revolving around who will be the first to observe a kinglet. With spring coming around the corner I have decided it is time to start a new competition. Who will see and photograph the first Summer Tanager of the year in South Carolina. It must be within the boundaries of South Carolina must be from 2023 and must have a photo. When you photograph one comment here. @jtmartin54 @torgos23 @sudomir @rtwhitson3 @abiggs2 @kkeivit @sc_beetles @sharonoutside @slambert40 . I have only mentioned top ten bird observers of the state. If you see this and are not mentioned fell free to join by commenting. Here is the link for the project @toxmace @latraviata you two are in the top 10 species list feel free to join if you like.

由使用者 wildlife13 wildlife132023年02月14日 14:51 所貼文


Thank you wildlife13, I was unaware that I was anywhere near top 10, are you sure about that? Anyway, I have only photographed 1 Summer Tanager to my recollection, a female. They are beautiful, and I always hope to see more of them. My money is on slambert40 as most likely, as he seems to get around more than the rest of us, with sharonoutside or sudomir as second best shot for the win. jtmartin54 is always a threat for shear numbers. I will be back home in Kentucky for a week this month and heading out to San Antonio again for 3 weeks around the middle of March, but I will certainly be on the lookout. Thanks for your contributions, and thanks to everyone else with INat!
By the way, my D5600 went down, I have ordered a new D7500, which won't arrive until March. Nikon has discontinued the D5600. In the meantime I'm stuck with my old CoolPix joke camera, or the cell phones, so don't expect much. Good luck everyone, and blessings to ALL!

發佈由 rtwhitson3 超過 1 年 前

Don't worry about it I use a really old coolpix. You are in the top ten bird observers of the state of South Carolina. Anyways I agree with your prediction for winner and wish you the best of luck.:)

發佈由 wildlife13 超過 1 年 前

Oh, I used the CoolPix for several years. It works, but it was never intended for wildlife, especially birds on the wing. I shouldn't need it much longer. As far as me being in the top ten birders for SC, I assure you that's an accident. Best of luck to you as well, thank you.

發佈由 rtwhitson3 超過 1 年 前

@jtmartin54 @torgos23 @sudomir @rtwhitson3 @abiggs2 @kkeivit @sc_beetles @sharonoutside @slambert40 . and anyone else who has seen this post. I have a project up for this competition so please go join that project to participate in this challenge.

發佈由 wildlife13 超過 1 年 前

@wildlife13 Luke, that sounds like fun! This is a (sometimes) yard bird for me when our American Holly tree is in bloom. BTW, I tried to join and got an error message. I'll try again later.

發佈由 abiggs2 超過 1 年 前

I get an error message when trying to join.. hmm...

發佈由 jtmartin54 超過 1 年 前

@abiggs2 @jtmartin54 try this link and if that don't work ill have to message staff I am sure there is something I'm doing!

發佈由 wildlife13 超過 1 年 前

@wildlife13 Just thinking you might want to rank the top 10 birders by # of species observed rather than number of observations. There are a couple excellent birders who don't have high observation numbers but have high species numbers. (I think I just sabotaged my chances of winning this competition... LOL!). @toxmace @latraviata

發佈由 abiggs2 超過 1 年 前

Second link worked!

發佈由 jtmartin54 超過 1 年 前

Good idea @abiggs2. I didn't think about that.

發佈由 wildlife13 超過 1 年 前

If any of y'all have a real good picture of a summer manager I can make you an editor of the project to upload the picture for the banner. All I have are some iPhone pictures.

發佈由 wildlife13 超過 1 年 前

Tanager not manager! Auto-corrects.

發佈由 wildlife13 超過 1 年 前

I still can't join with either link using Safari or Firefox. I'll keep trying. Looking back at older observations, my first summer tanagers were April 11 and April 26.

發佈由 abiggs2 超過 1 年 前

@wildlife13 Feel free to download and use the image for this.

發佈由 abiggs2 超過 1 年 前

Thanks @abiggs2! Have you tried searching the project on Inaturalist?

發佈由 wildlife13 超過 1 年 前

I've asked the forum they will tell me what I'm doing wrong. Lol!

發佈由 wildlife13 超過 1 年 前

@wildlife13 yes, I tried searching for the project, I found it (yay!) but still could not join.

發佈由 abiggs2 超過 1 年 前

@abiggs2 I think I fixed it due to tiwanes help.

發佈由 wildlife13 超過 1 年 前

@wildlife13 Success!

發佈由 abiggs2 超過 1 年 前

@abiggs2 Sorry for the problem.

發佈由 wildlife13 超過 1 年 前

@wildlife13 I'm going to Costa Rica in May - if I find one there can I still win? (Just kidding... thinking SC only!).

發佈由 abiggs2 超過 1 年 前

Lol! Ill be gone for most of June so I hope I see one in May when I typically see them.

發佈由 wildlife13 超過 1 年 前

Bth @abiggs2 I made you a manager since you contributed the photo, feel free to edit anything you like. :)

發佈由 wildlife13 超過 1 年 前

@abiggs2 thanks for the honorable mention LOL.

發佈由 latraviata 超過 1 年 前


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