iNaturalist should have achievements, and maybe even minigames.

I think it would be fun if iNat had achievements you could earn, and different levels and medals/badges that would appear on your profile.
For example:
If you correctly ID 100 different things you earn a "level 1 Identifier" achievement, then you get "Level 2 Identifier" after you correctly ID 200 different things ETC.
You get an achievement for observing a certain amount of a species category such as insects, mammals, fish ETC.
Profile badges could be earned based off of how many achievements you complete, as well as receiving badges based off of how many years old your iNat account is.
I think adding achievements and badges to iNat would make the app more fun to use and encourage people to go out and observe. I already think of iNat as a game like Pokémon Go where instead of catching Pokémon you collect observations so this would make sense IMO.

Maybe iNat could even add minigames where you are shown a picture of a plant/animal/fungi and have to guess what it is from 3 different options based off of a picture. Or a minigame where you name what plant/animal/fungi you see from 3 different answers. I would enjoy playing a game like "Whats that Lep? Saturniidae, Sphingidae, or Erebidae?".

由使用者 wolfram06 wolfram062022年04月05日 21:02 所貼文


發佈由 marina_gorbunova 約 2 年 前

@marina_gorbunova Sweet! Do they have any Lep themed games?

發佈由 wolfram06 約 2 年 前

I don't think so, but in this one you can choose Insecta.

發佈由 marina_gorbunova 約 2 年 前

@marina_gorbunova Can I learn how to program a minigame on iNat?

發佈由 wolfram06 約 2 年 前

If you're a programmer, sure, check the forum, there were topics about similar questions.

發佈由 marina_gorbunova 約 2 年 前

@marina_gorbunova I like the design of the Bioguesser, that format was what I was trying to describe. I want to play a game like that but its just Leps. I can't program at all though, I only know Minecraft commands :(

發佈由 wolfram06 約 2 年 前


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