Garcia-Soliz Victor Hugo

加入於:2019 4 月 05 最近活躍:2024 7 月 04 iNaturalist

I am a proud Bolivian lover of nature, especially birdlife, which is why I have worked as an ornithologist in the conservation of this fascinating group since 2004 together with the Asociación Civil Armonía ( ) in addition to supporting other national and international institutions, with which I participated in many expeditions throughout Bolivia, a fact that made me co-author of the Birds of Bolivia Field Guide (Asociación Armonía 2016 & 2019; https:/ /
In recent years I have been working with institutions such as WCS - Bolivia ( on the IdMadidi expeditions in La Paz and the expeditions to the Llanos de Moxos in Beni.
Bolivia is such a wonderful country, and I am so lucky to continue traveling and reaching such remote and fascinating places where one continues to learn especially about those other groups of fauna and flora that I am mostly unaware of, and of course with the help of the iNaturalist app , which I find super interesting and with great potential to be able to know the great diversity that surrounds us, and above all to continue working to know and be able to protect them.
Having captured the Tropical Royal Flycatcher shown in the photo on profile, with the help of the mist nets, was a personal satisfaction, and have it only for a few moments in my hands, was very exciting.
I am also on the eBird platform:
