Kelly L. O'Donnell

加入於:2013 6 月 02 最近活躍:2024 7 月 02 iNaturalist 每月捐款者 since 2020年3月

Hello there! I'm a science educator and plant evolutionary ecologist who is interested in the plants that survive and thrive in the urban environment.

As the Director of Science Forward at Macaulay Honors College, I work on science-related academics and programming that promotes scientific literacy. Science Forward is a curriculum and open educational resource (OER) that focuses developing students' scientific skills. Its opening event is a BioBlitz where ~500 students and ~30 scientists/naturalists use iNaturalist to record as many species as possible in 24 hours. Additionally, I have organized the NYC branch of the City Nature Challenge since 2017.

For more info about Science Forward and access to our OER, visit

Find me on Twitter & Instagram @drkellyodonnell or on Discord #klodonnell5414

