Luann Wright

加入於:2019 8 月 09 最近活躍:2024 9 月 16 iNaturalist

B.A. Zoology; M.A. Biology

I taught high school biology and was a docent at the San Diego Natural History Museum. Now I volunteer as a trail guide at Mission Trails Regional Park.

Some of my nature-related hobbies include hiking, birding, and photography. I enjoy identifying and studying wildflowers, spiders, and all kinds of invertebrates. I also raise native butterflies from eggs laid on our host plants.

Several years ago I became fascinated with the small world around me -- a world too small to appreciate fully until seen through the eyes of a camera. Photographing these creatures has opened up a whole new dimension of study and wonder.

iNaturalist is a terrific learning and research tool, and I am grateful to the many curators and specialists who kindly share their expertise with me and the iNaturalist community.

Profile Photo: Wright's Metalmark (Calephelis wrighti)

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