Josie Lesage

加入於:2020 2 月 05 最近活躍:2024 5 月 21 iNaturalist 每月捐款者 since 2022年1月

About me
I'm interested in protecting rare species, preventing invasion, finding lots of cool plants, and getting other people excited about the natural world! I am especially fond of Castilleja, Calochortus, crab spiders, and crawling through the Ceanothus key.

Sometimes I go through the "unknown" observations and try to bin them into broad categories in the hopes that they'll be easier for experts to find.

I'm always learning. My IDs are educated guesses at best, and I appreciate any comments or notes about what to pay attention to next time. Tips and/or hints when I get things wrong are wonderful!

Currently, I'm an instructor of Environmental Science at Clark College
Previously, I was an applied ecologist at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden and a Ph.D. candidate at UC Santa Cruz

My years in review: 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020
