
加入於:2020 7 月 18 最近活躍:2024 9 月 20 iNaturalist

I love wildlife and travel. My wife and I have visited all 50 states and 91 countries (based on the Travelers' Century Club Countries and Territories list). Wildlife viewing had always been secondary during our travel (primarily because my wife does not enjoy it as much as I do) until we visited Kenya and Tanzania in 2014 and I fell in love with the game drives. We went back to southern Africa in 2018 with wildlife viewing as a primary activity, visiting South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia. In 2019 we visited Sri Lanka where wildlife viewing was a significant aspect of our travel there. Then Covid hit and our international travel came to a screetching halt (we flew home from Argentina via Brazil at the beginning of a trip to avoid an impending Argentine quarantine). I started going out into the desert on weekly trips and taking almost daily walks into our local canyon with my camera to keep my sanity. We turned our travel focus on the U.S., mostly in the west near our home where we could drive or take a short flight. My son introduced me to iNaturalist and suggested that I could use my travel photos as a start. Another friend suggested I try eBird, which I've spent some time on, but I like iNaturalist better because of the assist in identification it provides with other individuals reviewing my identifications (I've appreciated the helpful tips some have provided in showing why the bird I've selected is incorrect). During our recent weekend and state travel I've become more bird focused and have started incorporating national wildlife refuges into our trip planning. In the last couple of years I've been to national wildlife refuges in Oregon, California, Utah, Texas, New Mexico and New York. I went to the Salton Sea about 18 times last year and fell in love with the burrowing owls that are prevalent near the south shore. We installed several bird feeders in our backyard and are enjoying the variety of bird life that is visiting and increasing the longer we have them up. In 2022, we got out internationally again, with trips to the Galapagos Islands, birding near Mindo, Ecuador and birding in the Tagus and Sado Estuaries near Lisbon, Portugal. This year we've been birding in Jamaica and Colombia and viewing wildlife in Indonesia (Gunung Leuser NP in Sumatra, Tanjing Puting NP in Borneo and Komodo NP on Rinca and Komodo Islands).
