Jean-Paul Boerekamps

加入於:2020 9 月 02 最近活躍:2024 5 月 13 iNaturalist 每月捐款者 since 2021年7月

I am interested in every aspect of nature, but only know something substantial about birds and people. For me iNaturalist is an inspiring way to learn more about all kind of creatures and I think it’s an amazing tool for the world to cherish our biodiversity. I travel a lot and still enjoy this immensely, but with iNaturalist I also spend more time in my own country and even my own garden. I’m surprised every day by new species and stories about them. There are lots of people that help me identify what I’ve seen and although I’ve never met them, I consider them as friends. It is big fun and makes me more and more aware of the richness of nature and of my own life.
