James Mickley 策展人

加入於:2012 5 月 14 最近活躍:2024 9 月 26 iNaturalist 每月捐款者 since 2021年7月

I am the curator of the Oregon State University Herbarium. This priceless and irreplaceable collection of over 500,000 specimens of plants, fungi, lichens, and algae allows us to look back in time to see where species grew and how that has changed.

I have a Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. My doctoral research was on petal number variation in the Polemoniaceae, and I am broadly interested in why so many plants have five petaled flowers and what controls or constrains petal number.

I enjoy seeing and logging lots of cool plants on iNaturalist. As an East Coast transplant, feel free to correct me as I explore Oregon's flora.

Website: jamesmickley.com
