
加入於:2017 10 月 19 最近活躍:2024 10 月 01 iNaturalist Canada

I live in Regina Saskatchewan. Paule and I share a common interest in nature, Indeed that brought us together as we met at a Canadian Nature Federation meeting long ago. I am an ecologist by training and did Master's studies on the Bank Swallow, Ripara riparia. I have spent my a career in wildlife management and more recently in water management. I am now retired which gives me more time to wander around trying to identify plants.

Vertebrates, butterflies and plants are my main interests, mostly because those are areas where I have some success in identification. iNaturalist may help me broaden that interest.

I write the occasional article, mostly in Nature Saskatchewan's Journal, The Blue Jay. Recent articles looked at how Prince Philip spurred conservation action when he visited Saskatchewan in 1987, recent range expansion of Wood Duck,
Saskatchewan's first record of Western Green Hairstreak, and the reoccupation of southern Saskatchewan by the Common Raven. Citations below.

Hjertaas, Dale and Lorne R. Scott 2021 Prince Philip’s 1987 Contributions to Conservation in Saskatchewan. Blue Jay 79(3): 24-24 https://bluejayjournal.ca/index.php/bluejay/article/view/6324

Hjertaas, Dale 2020 Wood Ducks Breeding Along the North Saskatchewan River Near Fort Carleton. Blue jay 78 (3)p 34. https://bluejayjournal.ca/index.php/bluejay/article/view/6306

Hjertaas, D. G. and P. (2020). First Saskatchewan Record of Western Green Hairstreak and Fifth Record of Ancilla Dotted Blue. Blue Jay, 78(2), 32-33. https://bluejayjournal.ca/index.php/bluejay/article/view/6293

Hjertaas, Dale G. and Estelle Hjertaas 2019 The Common Raven Reoccupies Southern Saskatchewan. Blue Jay 77(4):10-15. https://bluejayjournal.ca/index.php/bluejay/article/view/2134
