Lance J. Cole 策展人

加入於:2023 6 月 25 最近活躍:2024 7 月 02 iNaturalist Canada

Due to personal issues, I will not be able to log in to iNaturalist for 3-4 weeks starting on July 3, 2024. I will look at any @mentions and private messages when I log back in

I am a young naturalist that is interested in all life, with a special interest for species of the Coreopsideae tribe.


I am not an expert. I make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Please do not agree to my IDs without doing your own research

I mostly identify observations of the plant genus Coreopsis in the tribe Coreopsideae in the United States, Canada and north-east Mexico. I am not familiar with the Coreopsis species of South America.

If you would like me to cite my sources for an identification, or if you have a question about an ID, please either @mention me on a comment in the observation in question, or, on the web browser, directly message me by clicking the "message" button in the top left corner of this page (If you directly message me, please include a link to the observation!). I sometimes don't receive notifications for @mentions, so I prefer being sent a direct message.

If I have an identification that needs to be corrected, please let me know! I am always learning, and am constantly amazed by the amount of expertise that is on this platform.

Wondering why I have IDed your observation as a broad ID like "Plants" or "Fungi"? This link might be helpful;

plantman4 沒關注任何人。
