

2019 Great Annual Blue Penguin Count is coming!

It's tough to get up early and get out onto the beach but it is so worthwhile. The penguin count is a great incentive to help you and you'll feel so glad you did!
Get familiar with the iNaturalist app a day or so before you head out and then it's a breeze to collect reports of any penguin tracks on your smart phone.
Have fun and stay safe - we look forward to your observations.

由使用者 ingerp ingerp2019年10月02日 23:27 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

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Get involved, discover your beach and share your observations!
We want to know where blue penguins are up and down the coast so as to best advocate for their protection and you can help.
An early morning beach walk between 14th and 20th October looking for penguin tracks will remind you how wonderful our coastline is and help us gain a clearer picture of where blue penguins are and, ...更多 ↓

ingerp 創建此專案於 2019年10月02日