
You may have found this project because I've added some of your observations. You may have found it because you searched for it. You may have found it by some other means.

Regardless, if you're at all interested in the ant fauna of California I hope you'll join, and contribute.

My goal is simple. To bring together the iNaturalist observations of ants in California in a convenient location for comparison, identification, and any other use we can put the information to.

That includes finding out places and taxa that are relatively unsampled (at least here), so we can make individual efforts to pick up some of those places and species for inclusion.

Thanks for playing along.

由使用者 rhole rhole2017年05月03日 04:55 所貼文


Just added my whole collection.

I have a large number of relatively high quality images which seem like they should be identifiable and are likely to be species with few submissions. Unfortunately my ability to get through keys is not so great and I produce photos much faster than I identify them.


發佈由 glmory 超過 7 年 前

Thank you Glmory for the note, and joining! And for adding your collection! You are prolific and that will help a lot.

I'm working my way through adding all the observations in iNaturalist - though there are over 3000 for California. I'm also adding new observations as they come in.

As for identifying, we all need help with that. I'm working on getting a list of online resources covering ants in the state to help us all with that. Simply putting all the California observations in one place should help some.

As a newby to the site, I'm still figuring out things around here in iNaturalist, I'm still trying to learn what all can be done, and how things can be shared and organized.

Thanks again!

發佈由 rhole 超過 7 年 前


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