
The identification period for the purposes of the City Nature Challenge is over, but the data live on iNaturalist forever, so keep on identifying anyways! ;)

In the Chicago Wilderness Region, we had:

6,870 observations

1,017 taxa (921 at species or below)

353 observers

256 identifiers

Of our observations, 58% reached research grade, 34% still need identification, and 9% either didn't have photos/audio or were captive/cultivated organisms (or something else made them casual grade). Over 64% of the species were plants (69% of observations) with birds following up at 13% of the species (15% of observations). The most observed species were all charismatic native woodland spring flora: mayapple, bloodroot, white troutlily, spring beauties, and bluebells.

According to the international leaderboard, the categories for most observations, species, and observers went to the San Francisco Bay Area, with 41,700 observations of almost 2,950 taxa observed by over 1,500 people. Ow ow! Fantastic numbers.

Also check out this amazing hockey stick graph of global mean temperature number of observations per week on iNaturalist since 2008. As a whole the iNaturalist community made almost half a million observations of over 22,000 taxa during the CNC timeframe. Really amazing.

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2018年05月04日 15:02 所貼文


global nice temperature!

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