Add your City Nature Challenge 2022 events here

If you or your organization is thinking about holding a related event before, during, or soon after the City Nature Challenge in the Chicago Metro area, please fill out this form by April 15th.

We'll be posting the list of public events on the CNC: Chicago Metro website and this project page.


  • socially distanced bioblitz
  • guided nature hikes
  • iNaturalist workshops/trainings (e.g. for beginners, how to add IDs, educator-focused, or advanced iNat usage)
  • virtual identification party or nature storytelling
  • sharing how your organization or research uses iNat data
  • learning about urban flora and fauna through iNat or Seek
  • urban nature trivia Zoom

We're also having monthly planning meetings on third Tuesdays at 10AM (next one is March 15th). Please reach out to me if you or a colleague might be interested in attending those, or comment below if you have any ideas for the Chicago region's CNC!

Again - here is the form where you can submit your event!

cassi / @bouteloua

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2022年03月14日 12:52 所貼文




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