Crestridge Ecological Reserve的日誌


Enjoying outdoors is in her DNA.

Fortunately for Duffy, much of her work involves being outside and on trails. The former San Diego State zoology/biology major, who grew up here, works for the Earth Discovery Institute, a small nonprofit based in El Cajon, as its education and outreach biologist. About half her time is spent outdoors, leading educational hikes for young students, doing revegetation work or taking photos for various research projects. She also leads interpretive hikes for the San Diego Natural History Museum’s Canyoneers, a volunteer organization that explores every corner of the county, explaining flora, fauna and geology to those who sign up for its outings.

由使用者 biohexx1 biohexx12017年06月09日 12:13 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Local funds projects look to give children environmental education.

There is a saying that if you are interested in results in a year — grow plants. If you want results over a decade, grow trees. If you want results over a century, then educate children.

由使用者 biohexx1 biohexx12016年08月26日 16:05 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


NO other observers?

I have been way too busy to post the numerous pictures I have taken in San Diego, Santa Cruz and San Diego again, since 12/15/13 which was an outing with BJ "Finatic" in San Diego County, looking for rare birds.

I must say that I am disappointed to see that there seem to be NO OTHER observers than me, considering how much this place is frequented by locals and finally, information about this over 2 years old project of mine, was included in a newsletter. Oh well...

I am not local and on a limited budget so, the project remains fully mine until other show some interest in participating.

I still thank BJ who has tought me so much about birds in general.
BJ, you rock! :-)


由使用者 microm microm2014年01月26日 06:33 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論


Article in Earth Discovery Institute's Newsletter

Thank you Mary Duffy for our meeting, chat, and for your writing this article.

Crestridge Ecological Reserve
Just a quick note to mention, to whomever is reading this journal, that an article about Crestridge, iNaturalist and the project I started 2 years ago as a volunteer, came out on December 3rd on Earth Discovery Institute's Newsletter, see below.

I have been wanting to get some help from other people who enjoy the site and might walk or ride around (mountain bikes on specific trails).

3,000 acres is a lot to cover, by foot, and my physical health is not allowing me the long hikes I used to crave and still crave! So, yeah, more observers, more botanists, more lepidopterists, more birders. BJ, "finatic" has helped the project tremendously, in just a few visits. Thanks buddy!

I hope the children who will visit and enjoy some outdoor education, at Crestridge, will also add their observations to this project.
I have hope it will grow in number of participants both observing and reconfirming identifications. :-)

由使用者 microm microm2013年12月06日 22:57 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


October 2, 2013

This was my first return to Crestridge since the end of July. First, I wanted to get a picture of the sign at the Horsemill Street entrance to use as a logo for this project. Done!

I knew the chaparral would be fairly dry but I was hoping mostly to test a new lens and let nature take me for surprises which I seems to always find.

Looking at the various oak species, I really had to search for acorns. I must be late.

Preparing for a field lecture on tracking, happening here on October 12th, I came across some tracks and scats. The afternoon light seems to help notice them, giving them greater depth and clear dimensions.

I am looking forward to a few healthy rains, new growth, and for the chaparral to bring us some blossoms fairly early compared to the rest of the Continental US.

由使用者 microm microm2013年10月03日 05:03 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


July 31, 2013

I started my walk from the North side of Rios Canyon for the first time. Since I know there is not much or any parking near the actual entrance on this side of the reserve, I decided to park and walk through a school ground to gain access to a very narrow trail with a steep uphill incline.
The chaparral is very much dried up by now and it can be a challenge to recognize some species curled up by the heat. This might have been my last walk a Crestridge for a while, at least until the first few rains that will rejuvenate and regenerate growth.

由使用者 microm microm2013年08月03日 03:49 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


July 5, 2013

Again, my visits are getting more scarce as the Chaparral is drying up and blooms are lessening. My intention was to check up on the Stachys (Hedgenettle) that hadn't bloomed yet last I checked on it.
Starting From the Eastern Rios Canyon entrance, I walked down to where the trail meets the seasonal creek. I did find a couple of species blooming and a few birds. Two humming birds, on two separate occasions, where a foot or two from my face. I think they like the coconut oil I wear!

由使用者 microm microm2013年07月06日 00:34 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


June 21, 2013

I realize I haven't been at Crestridge since June 4, 2013 and missed the blooming of Branched Phacelia (Phacelia ramossisima). There was just one flower left on one of the plants.
Coming across a few lizard, I was able to take their pictures.
I am still fussing with focusing even with the spare lens I was using.
Blooms are becoming spares as temperature is rising.

由使用者 microm microm2013年06月21日 21:28 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


June 4, 2013

I met up with BJ, aka "finatic" on iNat., quite early on a somewhat overcast day at the Horsemill Road entrance. Focusing with low light is a great challenge and batteries dying halfway through the morning is a real frustration.
He managed to get a lot more observations than I did and I am looking forward to seeing the roadrunner that was perched in a tree. I have seen three at Crestridge and only was able to document one which is hardly recognizable.
We mostly covered the meadow, Rios Cyn Rd (trail) and the Oak Grove.

由使用者 microm microm2013年06月04日 22:10 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

June 2, 2013

If I don't write a post right away, I tend to forget the route I take.
I started from the Horsemill Rd entrance, going up Rios Canyon Rd, which is actually a trail in that area versus a fire road. Looping my way around back towards the meadow and Oak grove. I came across some Downy monkey flower (Mimulus pilosus), Narrowleaf milkweed (Asclepias fascicularis), Smallflower soap plant (chlorogalum parviflorum), in bloom finally, and a number of butterflies. Around the Oak Grove I checked on what grows and lives near the seasonal creek coming across some blackberries, San Diego sedge and much more.

由使用者 microm microm2013年06月04日 21:59 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論