

IDs are rolling in...

Hi All,
Thanks for joining yesterday's workshop and BioBlitz at Estero! As you can see, even a short time spent observing with a modest number of people in a fairly small search area can result in an impressive number of observations and species. There are lots of observations still needing identifications, so it may be a few days before the species numbers start to settle. And if you have photos on your camera that you need to upload, please don't forget to share those.

Best of luck to all of you going into the City Nature Challenge - if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!

由使用者 taniahomayoun taniahomayoun2018年03月09日 17:24 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

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This project is designed to capture data on plants and animals found in Estero Llano Grande State Park as part of an iNaturalist workshop. Our BioBlitz will run roughly the duration of the workshop, March 8, 2018 1:00pm-3:45pm.

The rules:

  • Record all living (and dead!) wild organisms you find.
  • If you find a plant that was obviously planted by a person, check
  • ...更多 ↓
taniahomayoun 創建此專案於 2018年03月05日