Flame Tree meets Gahnia Grove

Having worked through the Japanese honeysuckle to the interior of the young forest margins below the "Arena", and working to the right to assess and begin to reduce the Agapanthus, a number of new finds were made.

Hangehange, Ponga, a native rush, karamu and an unusually twisted manuka or kanuka some way off, were all a welcome change from honeysuckle and Watsonia, which have been predominant throughout.

A Chinese privet several metres high leans out from the canopy towards the Flame Tree Zone.

And the end of a long branch of Flame Tree comes very close to it.

It is not yet clear where the base of this branch is. Is it close to the other dense stands, and reaching across horizontally?

Since the seed is infertile in NZ, and it is unlikely more than one tree was planted, it must be in some way a vegetative propagation of the first.


More honeysuckle removal required to get to the bottom of this.

由使用者 kaipatiki_naturewatch kaipatiki_naturewatch2018年07月05日 12:11 所貼文




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