
We are in the early stages of pulling this project together. There are only a couple more weeks in the fall fungi season but all the recent rain has produced some welcome flushes that are ready to document. So for the short term we'd like to focus on collecting data and then spend the winter working through some of the indoor project stuff that will include some training materials and interesting links to articles and papers related to the project.

For all who are interested and can make it, let's meet at the main Green-Wood gates at 10AM on Sunday (10/25), talk through some of the standards we are looking to set up for our data collection, and go find some shrooms! Send me (pcpalmer3 in iNat) a note to let me know you will try to join us.

由使用者 pcpalmer3 pcpalmer32020年10月23日 14:53 所貼文




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