Popup Mycoblitz this Saturday, 10AM-12PM

Now that we are finally seeing the steady appearance of a variety of early summer fungi, I calling for a loose collective popup GW mycoblitz this Saturday morning. We will meet at the PPW (not the Arch) entrance at 10AM and spend a few minutes reviewing observation techniques. Beginners are enthusiastically encouraged to attend -- if we have the right mix we will buddy-up beginners with experienced searchers. We will meet back at PPW at noon to review our finds.

Hope to see you there. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to Sigrid (@sigridjakob, sigridjakob@gmail.com ) or me (@pcpalmer3, pcpalmer3@gmail.com).

由使用者 pcpalmer3 pcpalmer32021年06月17日 01:35 所貼文




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