

Check out what we found

Thanks again for a great morning last Saturday! I hope you all enjoyed taking some time to slow down and explore the nature right outside the Groundworks office.

Now that a couple of days have passed, the iNaturalist community has made identifications on many of the things we observed during the bioblitz, so have a look and see what some of our unknown organisms turned out to be.

由使用者 taniahomayoun taniahomayoun2018年03月05日 19:40 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

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This project is designed to capture data on plants and animals found along the Knights Branch Creek near the Groundwork Dallas office. Our BioBlitz will run from the morning on Saturday March 3, 2018 until 1:00pm. Cities can be rich in biodiversity - you just have to take the time to stop and look for it, so let's see what we can find!

The rules:

taniahomayoun 創建此專案於 2018年01月18日