Humber Arboretum Atlas August Highlights

There were so many great observations this month submitted to the Humber Arboretum Atlas project. Here are some of the highlights.

A Common Shiner was spotted this month by Bella Wu, along with some other animals. Both a Great Blue Heron and another Wild Turkey was spotted this month by Mike Naumoff.

Hand holding a small scaly fish
© Bella Wu, some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC), Common Shiner - Observation 91149828

Insects seemed to be a theme in August, with the Common Tree Cricket observed by vishalb. A Monarch Butterfly was spotted by Treshaun Thomas-Wright, as well as a European Fire Bug spotted by Mike Naumoff.

Red oval shaped bug with black pattern on top of a green leaf
© Mike Naumoff, some rights reserved (BY-CC), European Fire Bug - Observation 90723828

Lots of plants were found this month, including the Staghorn Sumac by Mike Naumoff and the Purple Loosestrife by Simone Pereira. Bella Wu observed the White Vervain.

Strands of green plants
© Bella Wu, some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC), White Vervain - Observation 91152876

Thank you to everyone who submitted their findings this month. September will bring the start of a new season which means new changes in nature that we hope to see documented!

  • Nicole Carbone, Humber Arboretum Student Content Creator
由使用者 humberarboretum humberarboretum2021年09月17日 18:54 所貼文




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