And the winner of the Illinois Botanists Big Year 2018 is....



As of 24 January 2019, Erin Faulkner had made 1,280 research grade observations of 847 plant species in Illinois in 2018. Congrats, Erin!

We are still working diligently by making more identifications and doing some quality control, so it will be a few more days before I write up a longer summary, but wanted to get this out there. :) As always, if you have a few minutes to help out with identifications, here's the link. Or just browse through all our observations at the project homepage.

The 2019 contest is here ("join" button in top right of page):

We also have a page on the Illinois Native Plant Society website as well as a Facebook group.

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2019年01月25日 01:00 所貼文




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