

Tischeria quercitella

I just finished reviewing all of the observations that had been identified as Tischeria quercitella. Most of the images of adults were not actually this species; the majority were at least tischeriids, but there were also gelechioids, pyraloids, microcaddisflies, etc. But of course what I want to focus on here are the leaf mines.

All of the "leaf mines" were at least on oak leaves, but the majority were not mines at all. Most often the photos showed window-feeding, leaftying, skeletonizing, or other types of external feeding by sawfly larvae, non-tischeriid moth larvae, or (usually) not identifiable beyond Pterygota. One of my previous posts goes into detail about what is and is not a leaf mine.

Among the actual leaf mines, the vast majority (maybe 95%) were ...更多 ↓

由使用者 ceiseman ceiseman2024年08月09日 19:34 所貼文 | 4 評論 | 留下評論

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Leafminers are insect larvae that live and feed between the epidermal layers of leaves. In North America they include at least 40 families of moths, 10 families of flies, 6 families of beetles, and 2 families of sawflies. I am interested in seeing any photos of North American leaf mines that are posted to iNaturalist, so I invite you to include yours in this project (and please spread the ...更多 ↓

ceiseman 創建此專案於 2019年02月03日