2nd Nature Neighbor - a squirrel!

Today, try and find a squirrel in your yard or near your home, and post it to our project!

由使用者 merav merav2020年04月02日 16:22 所貼文


Too easy. Read today's nature neighbor, walked over to the window overlooking my deck, and there it was!

發佈由 leslie_flint 約 4 年 前

Awesome, Leslie!
We'll start with some easy one, then we'll have some more difficult ones. Maybe the sausage gall? :)

發佈由 merav 約 4 年 前

We don't need a sausage fest during SIP!

發佈由 gyrrlfalcon 約 4 年 前


發佈由 merav 約 4 年 前


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