2023 Sequencing Results

For those interesting in what was successfully sequenced last year, you can view them here.

由使用者 ksanderson ksanderson2024年07月26日 12:08 所貼文


Just what the doctor ordered. Thank you for assembling these in one place, terrific.

發佈由 rosemarycurley 2 個月 前

September 9 2024, I added "Bolete" as a filter. I didn't see Brown Birch Bolete and/or Larch Bolete. I am correct that neither has been sequenced yet?

發佈由 hardywoods 26 日 前

This is a broad link to the Boletes and Allies: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=9116&view=species&taxon_id=48427&field:DNA%20Barcode%20ITS=

It does not appear that either of those have been sequenced yet, bolete's have a higher fail rate, so could be they failed earlier sequencing.

發佈由 ksanderson 26 日 前

I had a coppery pax identified, submitted as a brown roll rim.

發佈由 rosemarycurley 25 日 前


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