

Fun With Observation Fields

Observation fields make your observation more information rich and easier to search. You can usually add observation fields to other people's observations, too, which makes observation fields useful for research projects. For example, in the project Sphingids at Flowers ( https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/sphingids-at-flowers ) many of the observations use the field "Nectar plant" to record what plant the moth was feeding from.

Anyone can make new observation fields, which are then available to everyone. This is useful if you need something specific, but it also results in redundancy, as many people have made similar fields. I try to use the same field for the same thing for all of my observations that need it, so that when I use that field to search, I get all of my observations that fit.

For example, iNaturalist currently (7/2024) displays 561 pages of ...更多 ↓

由使用者 m_whitson m_whitson2024年07月12日 16:24 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論

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Observations from a pretty typical, rural(ish) Kentucky yard: an acre and a half of land, lawn, hills, and some cut-over woods, on what was once farm land. Nearby are creeks and ponds, larger patches of woods, and fields. The broader area is mixed use: residential, agricultural, and business. Now add one avid gardener with a camera...

m_whitson 創建此專案於 2022年06月23日