Nabs ~ Bodega Harbor (Golf Course Beach) #1

I am going to be visiting the Bodega Harbor first beach area/golf course beach. The elevation range is roughly 0 to 50 feet above sea level. The area of land I will be observing is not that large. It is roughly a square mile. (though I might expand this if necessary) There are a few paths stretching down to and around the coast. Along the main path, runs a small creek, which provides an ideal location for ferns, willows, and various members of the Apiaceae family. Heading down the path, there is a great deal of coastal dune plants and grasses. If you head to the right, there are lots of wildflowers growing. Possibly, they get water-runoff from the golf course. Along the hills, there are many non-native grass species. I chose this area because it is a beach I visit a lot and I was curious to learn about some of the species growing there.

由使用者 anjaw anjaw2017年04月29日 20:41 所貼文




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